Saturday, July 12, 2014

Getting My Hyster Ectomied

So when I started up this blog, I called it "A Woman's Pause" for two reasons.  I wanted to pause and look at all the experiences I have had in life and how they have shaped me as a woman, wife, and mother.  The other reason was that I believed I was going through "the change, " the cute little name for peri-menopause.  I was a bit off with the later.

This might get a bit detailed, so if you are a guy reading this, please skip down a bit.  If you are a guy, you may not want to read this at all.  I digress...

A bit over a year ago, I was starting, stopping, starting, stopping, and then going on and on for about a month.  Silly uterus!  It's just changing!  I stopped for three weeks.  Then "Aunt Flo, " my "Friend, " (more adorable, cute names), decided to move in permanently and cause anemia in addition to a lot of concern an worry.

The thing is, I've always had some issues.  And I'm a Mom of two young kids who have been home schooled for three years.  We do lots of things and I was dead last on the priority list.  I know that is familiar to lots of you.  Also, after being poked, prodded, operated on, and being put on hormones for many years as well as a short-lived pregnancy, I had had enough of doctors.  So I neglected my health, which was always supposed to be fairly closely monitored.  

I took three years off and was then in a panic.  I went to see the OB/GYN.  She is both thorough and conservative which I like.  I had to have a endometrial biopsy.  Painful to say the least.  And negative, thank goodness.  As I winced leaving the office, my nine year old son asked why I was uncomfortable.  I said that there is part of the body called the cervix and the doctor pinches off a piece to look at under a microscope.  But don't worry, it grows back.  "Like a sea star?" my sweet boy says.  "Yes, exactly. " I say.  Best laugh of the day.  I kind of pictured myself with a leg growing out of my "hoo-ha"( Oh, for heaven's sake, it's a VAGINA!).

Anyway, I got my blood tested immediately and had a mammogram.  Everything was fine.  But, this was not perimenopause.  My hormones are fine.  My uterus does not know what it's doing, essentially.  It's like it goes in a full cycle, without stopping, every four days or so.  It has been doing this for three months.  I so should have invested in Always Pads!  The good part is, that unless necessary, I get to keep my ovaries.  This prevents me from going into hormonal menopause.

I am both looking forward to this ending and also feel somewhat sad.  I think that for most woman who have this surgery, they have had their children.  I have been pregnant once and briefly, after I dealt with infertility and two adoptions.  My uterus has never served me well.  It has been a problem for almost thirty-five years.  Pain, mess, mood swings, frustration, disappointment.  But it also failed me in doing the one thing that it should have been able to do-carry a pregnancy.  

Don't get me wrong.  Adoption was the best thing we could have done.  But is is hard and somewhat sad.  This is the end of a very long and complicated story.  Normally, a woman of my age (47.5), would not be looking to get pregnant anyway. In many cases, they already have a family.  But it is the definitive end. No way.  No accidents. No change of life babies. No vessel to accomplish this.

But, although I think there will be a bit of a grieving process, I am ready to just feel better in general.  Anemia has been difficult.  I'm a bit tired at times because of it.  And bonus!  I get a urethra lift in the process!  Yippee!  That comes with it's own benefits!

So I will continue this story in the next couple of days!  Please stayed tuned!

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